Garden District Spring Conference and Achievement Day

One hundred five club members attended our Garden District Spring Conference Day on April 13. Attendees from our Club included Denise H., Cynthia HB., Peg S., Bonnie D., Joann Kf., Sharon H., Debbie H., Kim VZC., and Isabella C.

Garden District Vice President Marie DiMatties greeted everyone, followed by Club Presidents’ in attendance Annual Highlights. Our District Membership Chairman reported 40 new members in our district.

State President Shirley Holly gave the keynote address, “The Shadow You Cast as a Club Woman.” She then announced state awards. Our club received two awards, one for Membership and one for the Special State Project.

After a delicious lunch, Arts and Culture awards were announced. Our club shined. We walked away with 4 gold and 1 blue achievement awards. Congratulations to Sharon, Kim, Joanne, Cynthia, and Peg! Gold award art winners can now opt to compete at the State level at the State Convention later this month.