2024-2026 Officers
President: Janice Morrison
First Vice President: Jody Harris
Second Vice President: Ann Caswell
Recording Secretary: Linda Clark
Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Hunter
Federation Secretary: Cynthia Holmes-Butler
Parliamentarian: Cheryl Fairchild
General Information
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month, September-June
6:30 p.m. at RiverWinds Community Center,
1000 RiverWinds Drive, West Deptford
(unless otherwise announced)
No meetings July & August
June & December usually at a restaurant
Annual Dues: $45.00
Organized: October 28, 1993
Federated: December 14, 1993
Federation: General Federation of Woman's Clubs,
New Jersey State Federation of Woman's Clubs,
Garden District
Logo: Monarch Butterfly
Flower: Violet
Colors: Purple & Ivory
Past Presidents
1993-1996 Cheryl Fairchild
1996-1998 Denise Hosier
1998-2000 Jeannette Wood
2000-2002 Ellen Sanker
2002-2003 Cheryl Fairchild & Clara Campbell
2003-2006 Clara Campbell
2006-2008 Kate Larkey
2008-2010 Denise Pitchford
2010-2014 Joan Baur
2014-2016 Nancy Barna
2016-2019 Carol Frisby & Louise Avery
2019-2024 April Maska
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who are we?
We are an organized group of women that meets monthly. Our official purpose is for the exchange of ideas, for personal development, and to work for the benefit of the community. We are part of the GFWC, the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs, and the NJSFWC, the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs. To read more about our Federation, click here to see our Federation page.
Who can join?
Membership is open to any woman who is interested in our purpose and willing to aid in promoting it. You don't need to be from West Deptford, although the focus of our charitable work is there. We even have one member from Texas!
What are the duties of a member?
According to our bylaws, all members are expected to take an active interest and participate in the work of the club. There are no requirements to attend a certain number of meetings, work at any fund-raising events, or serve on any committees.
What do we do for the community?
We give two or three scholarships each year to West Deptford High School students. We participate in community events such as West Deptford Day, and we donate to a variety of community causes, in West Deptford, Gloucester County, New Jersey, and the world community.
How do I join?
To qualify for membership, you only need to attend one meeting. Upon submission of our membership application form and payment of dues, you are accepted into membership.