Backpacks for NJ Children’s Alliance

Thank You for Backpacks!

We knew we could count on you all supporting our first Special State Project with the NJ Children’s Alliance in collecting 48 backpacks stuffed with school supplies! Thank you so very much! Our Committee of Karen Hink, Debbie Hinkle, Pixie O’Hara, Jeannette Wood and I helped collect and stuff the bags. They were delivered to our Gloucester County Child Advocacy Center right here in Woodbury on Glover Street. Suzanne Nelson-Hoolahan, Director, accepted enthusiastically our collection and looks forward to working with us in the future.

Total Service Numbers for this project: 48.5 hours with $744.73 in-kind donations.

Special State Project Pins

Pins will be available by the end of September. The cost will be $5. If you’d like to have one, I will be collecting monies at the September meeting. Please support the New Jersey Children’s Alliance, our Special State Project, for the next two years.

A New Request

The NJ State Federation of Women’s Clubs, in correlation with the NJ Children’s Alliance, is asking all NJ clubs to provide the following items for children waiting at the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) to be interviewed by specially trained forensic professionals:

  • small boxes of crayons
  • small boxes of colored pencils
  • small stuffed animals (for younger children to hold)
  • small pads of paper
  • pencils
  • small bottles of hand sanitizer
  • pocket tissues

 They emphasize “small” items that can be held in children’s hands and do not make noise.

If you’d like to donate any of these items, our committee will be collecting these items at the September meeting and will be assembling bags containing these items to be delivered to our CAC. You may also give any items to a committee member.

Special State Project Committee
Denise Pitchford, Karen Hink,
Debbie Hinkle, Pixie O’Hara,
Jeannette Wood