Hoagie Sale


First, I cannot say enough about my teammate Sue Nelson. Just before the hoagie event, I happened to come down with COVID and we (I mean she) quickly pivoted to move the location of the pickup. Like the super woman she is, Sue organized and handled the whole issue. I so appreciate all her efforts as I am sure you do too.

For an internal fundraiser this is a big one and many club members supported it. We sold 86 Hoagie Lunch Packages and made a $623.50 profit for our club work. Shout out to Linda Jones, who came up with idea several years ago.

Janice Morrison, First Vice President


The first quarter of our new club year always seems the busiest. We have three internal fundraisers before the holidays, and I know the social committee has lots of events on the schedule for your enjoyment.

We are again kicking off the new club year with a Hoagie Package Sale. This is selling now, with pick up on September 23rd at my house. The cost this year is $12, and includes a 12-inch hoagie, water, chips, and a snack. It is a great way to support the club and our initiatives. Sue Nelson has graciously volunteered to coordinate the event again this year. Thank you, Sue!

The hoagie package form is attached to the September newsletter for your convenience. This is a great offer to family, neighbors, and friends.

Sue will be on hand at our September meeting to collect the forms and the payments. She asks that you put the form and the payment in an envelope so she can keep it separate from the other items she is collecting for. You can also drop off at her house or mine. Thank you to all those who are donating items and/or helping us coordinate.

Other Fundraisers

In October we will have a mum fund-raiser and in November we will be in touch regarding pies. We round out the year with poinsettias. More to follow on these.

Volunteer Hours

And finally, at the end of the second quarter of this year our members had booked nearly 3,200 volunteer hours. We truly are a great group of dedicated volunteers!

Donā€™t forget to keep track of all your club hours and send them to me, either monthly or quarterly. You should track them separately for your committee reports, but I only need your monthly grand total. Thanks for tracking!

Best wishes to all and see you at the September Meeting.

Janice M., First Vice President