Basket Raffle News

Basket Raffle Fundraiser
Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 7-9 p.m.
Adelphia Restaurant


It looks like we are well on our way to a successful spring fundraiser. Our friend, Janice M. put together an adorable baking basket, and Linda J. made the bow and wrapped it up beautifully. (See photo.) Thank you both. Linda does a great job with wrapping, and we have some great bowmakers who volunteered to put the icing on the cake. Thank you, too, ladies.

Our list is growing, and we want to be sure that you email Dorothy A. with the “theme name” of your basket and if you are sharing the basket with another member. Dorothy is updating our ever-growing list. Thanks, Dorothy! Please give Linda J. a list of what items are in your basket so that list can be attached to the outside of the basket.

Now for some updates. We all are seeing an uptick in New Jersey of COVID-19 cases. That is particularly concerning as we plan a spring fundraiser. In an effort to keep everyone safe, we won’t be holding any fundraiser committee meetings until at least December. At that time, we probably will hold a Zoom meeting. Details to follow.

In addition, we are holding off on filing any applications for gaming license(s) as we may need to change the date, should a shutdown occur, which is beyond our control. This is to avoid having to file amended license(s). We are keeping a close eye on the situation. In addition, we have been in close contact with the venue in that regard, and we will keep you updated.

Please remember to keep yourself healthy. We have plenty of time to solicit businesses for donations. As an alternative, perhaps you can scan the solicitation letter and email a business. Perhaps you can follow up with a telephone call, and do a curbside pickup at a designated time. Please do not put yourself at risk, though.

Thank you for your support. We shall keep you updated.

Nancy & Nancy