Fundraising Report:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are done with our major fundraising for now.
I want to thank everyone who so generously purchased the hoagies, Thanksgiving pies, and poinsettias to help raise funds for our club.
NEW! La Sicilia Pizza
Mentioned at our November meeting, La Sicilia Pizza is doing a fundraiser with us on Thursday, December 19th from 4 to 8pm, giving us 20% of the funds collected during those hours. The patrons have to mention the Woman’s Club of West Deptford when ordering. Please ask your family, friends, neighbors to order that evening. Several organizations in the community do this fundraiser and find it to be very successful. La Sicilia will allow us to do this one day a month on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. We decided to give it a try and see how it goes. We also have another date selected in January.
Sign Painting
In November, we had a social fundraiser with Paint-A-Treasure. Seven (7) people attended this event. We painted wooden signs, chatted, and got to know each other. We also had snacks and adult beverages. At the end of the evening, I received a check for $105 which I submitted to Sue Nelson at our November meeting. Thank you to all who attended.
Pie Sales
As the club sold 36 pies, $144.00 was added to our treasury. The pies have all been distributed and hopefully were a wonderful addition to everyone’s Thanksgiving tables.
Poinsettia Sales
This fundraiser has ended, and all that is left is for you to please make arrangements to pick-up your poinsettia(s) at Sue Nelson’s home (12 Holly Drive) on Friday, December 13th, 4:30-6:30pm.
We sold forty-six (46) poinsettias in total, giving the club $229.00
Other Fundraising
If anyone has suggestions for fundraising, I am more than willing to talk with you. I have noticed that we are doing the same events as schools, churches, and other civic organizations in our area. I am looking for something that no one else in the area does. I am open to investigating any suggestions you might have.
Volunteer Hours
I have everyone’s third quarter hours at this time. I am pleased to let you know that as a group we had a total of 1,616.5 hours. That is awesome! We are now almost done our fourth quarter hours (October-Novem-ber-December). I will be asking for those hours as soon as you have them. I don’t need to know how you accumulated them, just the total of hours. Keep a record yourself for your committee reports as they will be needed for end of year reporting.
Your fourth quarter hours began in October and will conclude in December. Changes have been made to hours. Meeting count as two (2) hours and meeting that includes a speaker add one (1) additional hour. If you attended the October meeting, you should be tracking three (3) hours, add in the hours you spent at the basket raffle, as well as any other meetings, events, etc., that you attended during the month of October. Following our meeting, you will have three (3) hours for November, and add any other activities, committee meetings, etc… that you attended. If you have trouble figuring your hours, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you for your continued cooperation/support with our fundraising endeavors. May I wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with the love and joy of family and friends.
Jody Harris, 1st Vice President