Hoagie Lunch Sale

First Vice President’s Report

Welcome back all rested, relaxed, and ready for the start of a new club year. When our year starts, so do our internal fundraising endeavors. This year, I am bringing back some prior events, as well as some new ideas to add revenue to our club.

At this time, we are well into our first internal fundraiser, Hoagie Lunch Packages. The cost this year has stayed the same as last year, $12.00, which includes a hoagie, water, chips, and a 2-pack of cookies. Pick-up will be Saturday, September 28th at my house from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Thank you to Sue Nelson, whose knowledge and expertise are invaluable, for working with me to coordinate this event. Sue will have some forms on hand the evening of our meeting should you need one.

Please make sure to ask your family and friends if they would be interested in making a hoagie package purchase to help support our club. Sue will be collecting the forms and the payments at our September meeting. She asks that you put the items in an unsealed envelope so it can be kept separate from the other items she is collecting. You are
also welcome to drop off at either her house or mine. Thank you to everyone who signed up to donate items, or their time. It is greatly appreciated.

Upcoming Fundraisers

Since we are so busy in October with our Basket Raffle, we will not be doing a fundraising activity. In November, we will be doing both a Paint and Sip Night Fundraising Social (please see social committee events for more information) and a Thanksgiving Pie Sale. We will round out the year with our December Poinsettia Sale. Information will be forthcoming as these events get closer.

Garden District Meeting

Our Garden District Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 19th at St. Paul’s Church, with registration starting at 6 p.m. followed by a light dinner, meeting starting at 6:45. Thank you to all who volunteered to donate either beverages, paper goods or utensils. I truly appreciate your generosity.

If you are planning to attend this event, please bring your donated items with you and plan to arrive at 5:00 p.m. so we can set up and be ready when our guests arrive at 6:00 p.m.

The cost for the evening is $5.00 payable at the door. However, I will need a count so we know how many people to expect. I will be passing around a sign-up sheet at the meeting. Please wear your purple club shirt. If you do not have a club shirt, wear a purple shirt if possible. If you are not planning to attend, but offered to donate, please drop off your donated item to me prior to the meeting date so I am sure to have it on hand, or feel free to bring it to our September meeting where I can get it from you.

Volunteer Hours

Yes, it’s almost that time again when I will be asking for your third quarter (July, August, September) hours. You are welcome to send your hours to me each month if that is easier for you, or at the end of each quarter. I don’t need to know how you accumulated them, just the total of hours. Keep a record yourself for your committee reports as they will be needed for end of year reporting.

Just an FYI. Our second quarter hours (April, May, June) as a club was 1828.5 hours! What an amazingly generous group of ladies. Each and every one of you helped to contribute to this total.