Everything in the Universe is interconnected. Within each it is reflected. – Lourdes Pita
It’s Almost Spring!
As I write this, I notice a moment of spring. It is spectacular. The red-winged blackbirds are at my feeder, as are the swallows and the grackles. Though, I have not seen a robin yet. Spring brings renewed growth, fresh air, and many
opportunities to join socially and altruistically as a group.
So many things are happening in the Woman’s Club of West Deptford and West Deptford Township. You will be seeing children out practicing their sports again. High school seniors are looking forward to their next adventures. Children are riding bikes, and owners are walking dogs in the sunshine. I’m sure winter is not quite done with us, but now that I’ve had a taste of spring,
I am more equipped to handle it.
March Meeting
At our March you will learn who the Honor Roll Committee selected for this year’s awards. I can’t wait. There are so many deserving women, I am sure it was a difficult decision. We will also review the Board’s Tentative List of donations and what is to be encumbered for next year. We will hear from Suzanne Nelson-Hoolahan, Director of the Child Advocacy Center of Gloucester County, and Detective Dan Farid, with Walter the Support Dog. Our Garden District VP, Mary Schneider, will also be visiting, so I hope we can fill the house (church basement)! You will recall that we need to meet at St. Paul’s Methodist Church in March due to Voting on the School Referendum.
School Referendum
Speaking of the Referendum, there was a virtual Town Hall to discuss it. If you missed the February meeting, you may want to check it out. The Referendum presentation can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/Yap7OcJxmg4?si=MBWD_oS0RID1_ZP7
Collections This Month
Let’s not forget our collections from February (Domestic Violence and Health & Wellness). This month it is Advocates for Children. Each committee will share the particulars of their collections, and if you have questions, reach out to the chairs. Additionally, food banks are underserved right now, so anything you can bring for their shelves will be appreciated. Finally, our Special State Project will be requesting items for Walter the Dog, so please bring some items from this list, which the Special State Project Committee shares.
Wear Purple
This month is Women’s History month, so please wear purple or your club shirts
It will be great to see everyone in person this month. I am looking forward to it.
In Federation Friendship,