Thank you to all members for your vote of confidence in me to fill the role of President of the Woman’s Club of West Deptford. I consider this a great honor and will do my best to meet your expectations.
Thank you to April Maska for her excellent leadership during the past five years. I know these are big shoes for me to fill and I look forward to her guidance as I take the wheel. I want to thank Cheryl Fairchild for putting together an excellent board that I will depend on to make critical decisions in the future. And I want to thank my board for stepping up to the awesome challenge of volunteerism:
- Jody Harris, First VP
- Ann Caswell, Second VP
- Peg Shirey, Treasurer LGCCC Account
- Sue Nelson, Treasurer Operating Account
- Cynthia Holmes-Butler, Federation Secretary
- Linda Clark, Recording Secretary
- Lisa Hunter, Corresponding Secretary
- Cheryl Fairchild, Parliamentarian
Our first official board meeting will be on August 27th. I look forward to gathering at my house for this first meeting. Please bear with us as we all transition to our new roles.
While the club year ends after the June meeting, several of us will be working on the club business. Our first order of business will be to hold the audit of the bank accounts; this happens sometime in late June/early July. Denise Pitchford and Patty Wyzykowski have volunteered to be our auditors.
The Basket Raffle committee will be working on a whole list of tasks. Sue N. still needs volunteers for tasks now and closer to the raffle. This is our biggest event of the year. Sue will send notifications about ticket sales and how she and her team will manage them. Thank you to all those who have volunteered already.
In September, we will open the year with West Deptford Day on September 21st (rain date September 22nd). We will need volunteers to staff the booth from 1pm-5pm. I will send out information with a signup sheet closer to the date.
On behalf of the Board and myself, we look forward to your support over the next two years.
In Federation Friendship,
Fundraising Report
We have finished off the 2023-2024 club year with a total of $1,441.50. This does not include the Basket Raffle. With internal fundraisers, we made:
- $623.50 Hoagie Sale in September
- $295.50 Mum Sales
- $222.50 Poinsettia Sales
- $ 90.00 Pizza for a Purpose
- $226.00 May Flowers
Thank you all for supporting me over the past two years. I know Jody Harris will do an excellent job fundraising and I can’t wait to hear all her ideas.
Sending love,