September President’s Message

Welcome back for another amazing year with the Woman’s Club of West Deptford. It is hard to believe that summer is over, the children are back to school, the holidays are coming and we have another full year of activities on the schedule. Our first meeting of this club year is Tuesday, September 13th. I can’t wait to see all of you!

New beginnings are in order, and you are bound to feel some level of excitement as new chances come your way. —*Auliq Ice

While we were on summer hiatus, several of our members were working behind the scenes to prepare for our new year. New beginnings are always exciting as we get to put our talents and efforts toward another successful year.

Your board has been in contact all summer with several new ideas and activities pending. We have listened to you and are preparing to continue to move us forward with you in mind. We are going to have a great year!

First I would like to thank Cynthia H-B. for successfully putting together a fantastic Installation of Officers at our June dinner. I personally appreciated the beautiful butterfly for my garden and the 100 Grand Chocolate Bar. Great job, Cynthia!

Also, a big shout out to Cheryl F. and Janice M. who attended the Parliamentarian Workshop held at Headquarters this summer. They both found it interesting and informative. Thank you ladies!

Another big thank you to all of the club ladies who filled backpacks to give to the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. I understand that the state clubs helped to surpassed the 550 backpacks that was the goal. Our club also gave dozens of handmade pillowcases. This will be ongoing for anyone who wants to make pillowcases. The Center was thrilled with our donations…we do make a difference!

It was fantastic to meet with so many of our members who helped Denise H. and Sharon J. with stuffing stockings for Operation Yellow Ribbon. The donations were overwhelming and those stockings were bulging. Thank you to all who donated and who came to help fill stockings. They will be delivered to Headquarters as soon as Denise and Sharon get the drop-off dates.

I had the opportunity to meet with our Garden District VP Marie D. as well as other club presidents this summer. We shared information about ourselves and our respective clubs. It was wonderful to meet with other Presidents and share notes. I am looking forward to seeing many of them at the September Garden District Meeting, which will be held at the Haddon Fortnightly Clubhouse on Thursday, September 15th. Let me know if you would like to attend. The cost is $5.00 per person.

Another event coming up is the State Fall Conference. This will be held at the Battleground Country Club in Manalapan, NJ. The date is October 24th. Our own Denise H. is on the committee and will be attending. If anyone would like to go with her, please let Denise or myself know so we can secure your reservation.

West Deptford Family Fun Day is Saturday, September 17th. I have already reserved our booth and location. The time is 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Jody H. and her husband have volunteered to set up the booth and get it ready for the afternoon. Jody will also man the booth with Lisa H. for the first hour. I will be sending out a sign-up sheet on Sunday to see who will be able to give an hour to manning our booth. We only need two people per hour, so it will be first come. Jody and David will also return at 4:30/5:00 to help with take down. Thank you in advance for volunteering.

I have received new club Committee Summaries from the NJSFWC. Each committee has been rewritten or updated. I will be giving all of the committees this new information so that you may look it over and incorporate what you would like into your committee.

We are so very fortunate to have Programs arranged for our next three meetings. At our September meeting we will meet the wonderful girls who attended GCI this past June. Clara C. will be presenting the girls at the beginning of our meeting. At our October meeting we have a speaker coming to speak about Alzheimers and more. Thank you Linda M. for suggesting this speaker.

In November, we are so excited to have a speaker from the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation, our Special State Project. Thank you Cheryl F. for setting this up for us. I am also happy to share that our Garden District VP Marie D. will be attending one of our Fall meetings.

Finally…our Fundraisers. We have so many things we want to do as well as donate to, and we must fill the treasury to do that. Janice and Sue N. have set up two internal fundraisers…a hoagie sale and mum sale. You have received the information on the hoagie sale. Sue N. asks that you put your hoagie order in an envelope to be collected at our September meeting. We will receive more information on the Mum Sale at our meeting.

Our Basket Raffle has been in the works since spring and we are ready to go. Thank you to Nancy B., Nancy D. and Denise H. for all their work. We are scheduled, licensed and insured! The baskets are coming in and they are truly incredible. I saw about a dozen of them already and they exceed all expectations. Our Phillies Super Basket includes tickets from the Diamond Club. People will definitely want to purchase tickets for this basket. Now we need to sell all our tickets so these fabulous baskets can be won by our supporters. We can do this!!! Reach out to Sue N. if you need more tickets. Let’s make this fundraiser the best one yet!

Recognition to Denise H. who keeps our Membership list up to date. Please remember that our Membership list is for Club business only. This list is to help everyone stay up to date on club activities. If anyone would like to share other activities, please reach out to Denise H. who will be happy to put your personal activities in the Newsy Notes section of Tidbits. Thank you all for understanding.

I hope all of you had a restful Labor Day weekend and spent time with family. Our schedules will start to increase as we move back into our monthly routines.

Don’t forget your basket raffle ticket monies, hoagie orders and Secret Pal gifts…we are back!!!!

In Federation Friendship,
