September President’s Message

As we begin our next Club year I am reminded of renewal, starting anew. We are entering a new term with a new board of volunteers who have committed to be generous with their time. If you have served on a board, you know the time and commitment it takes to run an organization. I thank my team for stepping up and making this formidable pledge. We have 16 active committees working on various projects, and just about every member is on at least one committee. Thank you for your support and work. We are all in this

If we are together, nothing is impossible.
—Winston Churchill

September District Council Meeting

We are hosting the September 19th District Council meeting. Many have stepped up and volunteered to help with refreshments and hosting duties. Jody Harris has been spearheading this event and is doing an excellent job. If you plan to attend, which I hope you will, please let Jody know. We will need to give the Mary Schneider’s team a head count. There is a $5 fee (paid at the door). There will also be a limited number of Special State Project pins available for purchase.

West Deptford Day

We are attending West Deptford Day as a club, and we need volunteers to manage the booth. I’ve sent an email on this; if you missed it, I will bring a sign-up to the September meeting. Please consider signing up, even if for only one hour. It would be a shame if our club was not represented.

Records Review

A group of veteran past presidents met at my house over the summer to review the records from 1993 to 2023. This included Cheryl Fairchild, Denise Hosier, Denise Pitchford, and Jeannette Wood. Each stepped up for this service.

Since 1993, records have been stored in various member homes and passed on as new board members took positions. Treasurer records moved from house to house as the treasurers changed. The same happened with club minutes. These records were stored in bags, cardboard boxes, and totes. This group of veterans discussed what documents needed to be preserved and which did not. By law, we are required to keep all financial records for seven years. Those records remain with the treasurers. The records we are keeping are now locked and stored in a climate-controlled environment in the RiverWinds Senior Center. These include minutes, state reports on projects, budgets, Tidbits, and other special documents. Committee chairs should continue to maintain their own records and pass them on to new chairs as applicable.

General Meeting Changes

With 16 active committees, our committee report section of the agenda will be longer. Therefore, I am asking committee chairs to let me know by the Friday before the meeting if there will be a report or not. Committees are not obligated to report at every meeting. Further, much of what is reported is already in Tidbits. We all should be reading Tidbits for important information. If there is a report, we will need to keep the time to 2-3 minutes to keep on track. Change is difficult, but let’s see how this goes. We can always adjust if needed.

