Coming up for December is our annual poinsettia fundraiser; again being offered to decorate your home and add to our club treasury. We will send out a separate email once we finalize dates, colors, and the cost from the Michael William Greenhouse. We are looking at taking poinsettia orders up until the end of November with the delivery date of December 4, 5, or 6 while we await confirmation of these details.
Part of being a Vice President entails club fundraising. Presently, we had a quick, easy, and successful pie sale which will add a profit of $255.00 to the operating account as of this writing. Fifty-one pies were ordered. We are grateful for your support and thank you as you enjoy your pies now or even for Thanksgiving if you decide to freeze them for the holidays.
As the weeks of November fly by, enjoy the cool and crisp air, cooking, baking, and holiday shopping too. Wishing everyone an enjoyable and a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!
–Linda J.