Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention

The holiday season is upon us and for many that brings joyous gatherings of family and friends. There are food and holiday cheers all around, and the air is filled with anticipation for what the season will bring. Children play and adults reminisce of the days of their youth. It’s truly a wonderful time of the year.

For law enforcement and domestic abuse shelters it’s also a time when domestic violence calls go up and shelters see higher numbers of survivors. It’s a time when a spouse might say, we will stay together for the holidays for the sake of the children, only to regret that decision later.

If you see someone at a gathering and you sense that tension is high between partners (could be a niece, nephew, brother/sister or neighbor) take them aside and let them know you care and that help is available. They may not wish to have your help, and that’s okay. It opens a channel of communication if they wish to choose it down the line.

The SERV domestic violence and sexual assault hotline is 1-800-295-SERV. The website is . Everything discussed with SERV professionals is completely confidential.

The Domestic Violence and Prevention Committee wish you a very happy and safe holiday season. If you want to learn more about how we support SERV, let us know; we’d love to have you on board.

NOTE: At the January and February meetings the Domestic Violence Team is collecting feminine hygiene products such as pads and tampons for survivors.

Janice Morrison & Linda Marple, Chairs