Congratulations to all our club members on another successful designer handbag bingo!!! We hosted a wonderful and successful event.
Thank you to EACH and EVERY club member. Your efforts paid off.
Thank you to the new club members for jumping in and helping with various tasks during the evening.
Thanks to the club husbands for pitching in, they made our jobs much lighter.
Thank you Denise H. for your video screen, that was most helpful.
The door prizes were a hit!!! Our guests were surprised that candy was inside of the coated bottles. Good idea, Joanne!
The super baskets, silent auction, 50/50, and complimentary buffet…just amazing. There’s a reason why our bingo sells out…and has a waiting list too.
Lastly, thank you Bingo Chairs Donna, Carol & Elaine and your committee. Your drive and need for perfection were shown in the results of the evening. Your organizational skills are awesome.
Thank you again for taking on this huge task. I do not believe our members know just how much work goes into the planning of a night like last night. Thank you again!
We are a resilient group. No matter what challenges come before us, we handle it and move forward. Remember, there is never anything too big that we can’t solve together.
Revenue numbers are still being tallied…
Again, Louise, the Board and I say congratulations on a job done well!!! Xo