January President’s Message

Happy New Year!!!! May 2020 bring all of you the best of everything! Another decade gone and a new one begins with the promise of great experiences.

 “If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them. If you see someone being ignored, find a way to include them. Always remind people of their worth. One small act could mean the world to them.”

Source: Enlightened Consciousness

As we move into the new year, I do not make a New Year’s Resolution but just find a way to be a better person. The above quote reflects exactly what I want to do. I hope in some small way, you can continue to incorporate this in your everyday life. All of you do so much for each other and for our community. and I want to find ways to build up a person.

As I reflect over the past year, I am amazed at all we have accomplished. Our membership is growing and I am sooo happy to welcome all of our new members. Our club will only continue to excel and our future look bright because of the wonderful ladies we have, the varied talents of each one of you, and the willingness to do so much for others.

I want to recognize and thank Joanne K. for all she did to make our Christmas Party a major success. I also want to recognize Linda J. for helping me with ideas and planning so we would have some extra fun activities during our December festivities. A big shout out to Kim C. for putting together a fantastic installation for our new members. Great Job, Ladies!!! This is what I am talking about! If we continue to build each other up, imagine what we continue to accomplish!

At our January meeting we will be announcing our recipient of the Honor Roll award. I want to recognize Carol F. and her committee for working to help honor someone who makes a difference each year. Carol’s committee was composed of former recipients who know how special this award is in the NJSFWC. Thank you, ladies!!!

Another lady I want to recognize is Karen D. who works with me to bring programming to our meetings each month. She does all the leg work and reaches out to our different presenters. She takes the suggestions from our club members and always works to set something up. For our January meeting, she has been working with the parents of our scholarship recipients to have them come to our meeting so that we can meet them. Hopefully, our recipients will be available to join us. Thank you, Karen!

One big activity for our January meeting will be the signups for our new board who will take over for our fantastic ladies in September. Please take the time to look over the requirements in your yearbook. I will be posting a synopsis of each position but want all of you to take the time to read what each position entails and how great you would be in a particular position. The positions are: President, First VP (Internal fundraising), Second VP (Membership), Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Federation Secretary, Operating Account Treasurer and Gaming Account Treasurer, plus Parliamentarian, an appointed Board position. Linda, Denise H. and I are new to our positions and will not be stepping down; however, feel free to sign up for these positions. We will not be on the board forever. All positions will be listed and I would like to have more than one person sign up for each position. Don’t be intimidated…know that Linda J. and I will work with you every step of the way. We also have some great mentors in our club who will help you get your feet on the ground. Probably the treasurer positions seem like the most overwhelming, but let me assure you, our present treasurers will walk you through all you need to know. They certainly worked with me this year as I learned the ropes. The only criteria to sign up is that you need to be a member of the club for a year by September 2020. So…who wants to work with me, Denise H. and Linda J.? We are fun people!

Another big activity is the signup for each committee. I will also be posting what each committee does for you to look at. I am asking for co-chairs for each committee. Life has a way of getting super busy and we don’t know what the future holds. By having a co-chairman for each committee, you back each other up and that is what the WCWD does each and every day. We have a couple committees who work well with co-chairs. They are a great example of what I am talking about. As we get bigger as a club, we can always use the help.

Finally, thank you to all of our ladies who signed up to help with the January District Council. Our meeting will be at St. Paul’s Methodist Church on January 16. Please plan to be there at 8:30 to help set up. Also, please take the time to look at the email I sent to sign up for beverages and supplies. You all are the best!

So…enjoy the new year and all the blank pages we will be filling with fabulous memories. All of you are who makes us shine! Get your purple bags out and wrap up that secret pal gift. Our meeting will be here before you know it!

