March 31, 2023
Pizza for a Purpose
Our Pizza for a Purpose seems to have been successful, though we won’t know the final numbers until Cicontes talliesContinue Reading
March 12, 2023
Recycle Your Cosmetic Items!
The Environment Committee is excited to introduce a new project that will recycle our cosmetic and personal care product containers.Continue Reading
March 8, 2023
Red Bank School Book Fair
Advocates for Children Report Our club supported the Red Bank School Book Fair 2023. We are so happy to reportContinue Reading
March 2, 2023
March President’s Report
March has arrived and it has come in like a Lion! I have several coats out to use daily forContinue Reading
March 1, 2023
March Is Women’s History Month
The month of March means the start of spring, tricky weather, St. Patrick’s Day, daylight savings time, and Women’s HistoryContinue Reading
February 18, 2023
End-of-Year Dinner
TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023: 6 p.m. End of Year Dinner – Terra Nova, 590 Delsea Drive- Sewell. Both the socialContinue Reading
February 10, 2023
Upcoming Social Events
We hope these events are things that you will wish to participate in. Please check dates, times, and keep inContinue Reading
February 8, 2023
New Venue for Basket Raffle
Everyone Gets a Seat! Your Basket Raffle chairs have been busy checking into possible alternate venues for our big fundraisingContinue Reading
February 4, 2023
130 Challenge Report: January
Well, we are off to a great start to our 130 challenge! We’ve had three Facebook Lives that helped usContinue Reading
February 1, 2023
February President’s Message
February is here and the weeks continue to move by at a rapid pace. That is okay with me ifContinue Reading