September President’s Message

Here we are…ready to start another club year. Summer was wonderful and I am happy to report that my summer was fantastic with family and friends and I am ready to work with all of you to create another set of memories for the ladies of the Woman’s Club of West Deptford.

Success is not final; Failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts. —Winston S. Churchill

When I read this quote, all I could think about was how a small group of ladies met in Cheryl F.’s dining room and the Woman’s Club of West Deptford was born. We are celebrating 30 wonderful years of volunteerism and community service this December and I could not be prouder to be a member of this incredible organization. I know that when we all gather at our December Dinner Meeting to celebrate, we will be representing the successes of not only each other but all of the women who came before us and made a difference in our Township and beyond. I have already purchased my ticket as I know that I will be sitting in a room with the most incredible women around and I do not want to miss a moment of it.

Our club is very proud to host the September 21st Garden District Council evening meeting. I have let Hospitality know and Agnes K. is ready to get started. I will be contacting the three clubs who will be bringing a light dinner and desserts andill be giving Agnes, Dorothy, and Holly a head count once I receive it.

If you plan on attending the District Meeting, please let me know by our September Meeting as I have to give our list of names to Marie DiMatties. Registration is $5.00 and I have 2 of our members already manning the check-in table. We will be needing helpers for different jobs, so if you want to help, please let me know.

GCI was a wonderful success this past June and we will be meeting some of the West Deptford girls who attended at our September meeting. They will be our guest speakers and will share the experiences they had as they enjoyed this mini 4-day college experience. I am sure that Clara C. and Ann C. will have some positive remarks to share on this unique event.

One of the results from our club survey is limiting which committee can collect items each month. I have sent out a sign up sheet to the committee chairs to have them pick three months that they would like to be able to collect items for their committee projects. Your committee chairs have been fantastic and I have a tentative schedule for collections this year. All collections will be handled through the committee chair or her designee so that you will not be overwhelmed with monthly collections for the same committees. Please note… this will not include our State Project or donating to Food Pantries. This also will not affect our donations for Thanksgiving and Operation Blessing at Christmas. I will be sharing this list at our September meeting. Please note: For September…Civic Engagement and Outreach is collecting food for the South Jersey Dream Center as our Day of Service Project on September 30th. If you wish to donate to another food pantry, please just share your donations with Sharon J. so that it can be included in her Day of Service totals for Headquarters. This will be the only collection for September.

West Deptford Day is September 16th from 1 to 5 pm. We are registered and our spot is #6. I have asked for 4 parking passes for our volunteers and Jody H. and her husband have graciously volunteered to set up our booth and take it down at the end of the afternoon. I will be sending a sign-up sheet for volunteers to man our booth for 1 or 2 hours each before our September meeting.

Our Basket Raffle Committee is in the final stages of planning for our fundraising event. Please look for the information regarding ticket payment or ticket return deadlines in this newsletter. As we have a waiting list of people who wish to attend, please adhere to the deadline schedule. This event is going to be outstanding!!!!

Speaking of Fundraisers, look for our First VP Janice M.’s article on upcoming internal fundraisers. There is always something for everyone. Hoagie Sale and Mum Sale are the first two fundraisers scheduled to build up our treasury for this coming year.

How is that 130 Challenge going for you? Look for information regarding our totals under Health and Wellness. Let’s see if we are close to our goal yet!

Please note that our meetings are always full and Committee Chairs will only summarize their reports as their information will always be found in Tidbits. Please read our newsletter to find out what is going on with your favorite committee or activity.

Don’t forget your Basket Raffle ticket monies, Anniversary Dinner monies and your Secret Pal gift. We are back and ready to hit the ground running!

In Federation Friendship,


Shout Out to Members

We have all “recharged” our batteries and are ready for another club year of volunteering and making a difference in our community and beyond. It is when we choose to help another that we see the difference around us.

We are all like one-winged angels. It is only when we help each other that we can fly. —Luciano De Crescenzo

Although we have been on summer break, our very giving members have been working behind the scenes and continued to do club work for the benefit of our club sisters and the community.

A big thank you to our Civic Engagement and Outreach committee who worked during the summer to connect with all of you to collect items to fill Stockings for Soldiers. Sharon J., Linda C., and Denise H. selected Tuesday, August 29th to fill over 50 stockings for our Military. The stockings were overflowing by the time we were finished. Thank you to all the members who came and filled the stockings to help make the Holiday a little better for a Service Member.

I have to recognize the Anniversary Committee who have also been in constant contact with each other throughout the summer making plans for our Anniversary Dinner. I have to say that we are going to have a wonderful and very special 30th Anniversary Recognition of all that we and those club sisters before us have done to make the Woman’s Club of West Deptford so unique. I cannot believe all the wonderful ideas and plans that have been made to celebrate this milestone in our club.

I do want to recognize our Health and Wellness Committee who continued to help others as we rested up this past summer. As soon as Chris T. came home from Florida, she was collecting clothing for those in need. I delivered a few bags of clothing myself. Also…Carol D. has never slowed down and continued to share videos on how to help keep us healthy and fit. I just submitted my 130 challenge numbers to her on the 31st of August as her energy kept me on track as well.

Finally…there are no words to say how amazing the Basket Raffle Committee has been this year putting together everything that was needed to finalized plans for our biggest fundraiser of the year. Each year our Basket Raffle just gets better and better and this year is no exception. Once we started selling tickets, we were “sold out” in about four weeks! Thank you to Denise H., Sue N. and Nancy D. who have been instrumental in keeping on track as we move forward with this year’s fundraiser. Of course our basket raffle would not be the success it is without all of you who generously donated the most amazing gifts baskets I have ever seen. I have been able get a glimpse of a few of the baskets and they are just incredible! I just can’t wait for this year’s event! I know it is going to be spectacular.

Now that September is here, I know our members are ready to make this next club year one of our best!

You are all rock stars!
