Installation Dinner June 11

End-of-Year Celebration & Installation Dinner took place on TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024: 6PM at Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse. We were thrilled to have 42 members present.

New Officers were installed as follows:

  • President: Janice Morrison
  • First Vice President: Jody Harris
  • Second Vice President: Ann Caswell
  • Federation Secretary: Cynthia Holmes-Butler
  • Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Hunter
  • Recording Secretary: Linda Clark
  • Treasurer LGCCC Account: Peg Shirey
  • Treasurer Operating Account: Sue Nelson
  • Parliamentarian (appointed): Cheryl Fairchild

The installation ceremony used keys to represent the officers as keys to the success of our club, with the officers receiving keys with different colored ribbons for each position. At the end each member received a small key with the club color purple ribbon to show that each member is also the key to our success. The ceremony was performed by Denise Hosier and Denise Pitchford.

We also honored outgoing President April Maska for her five years as club president. She was given a Past President’s pin by incoming President Janice Morrison and also received a scrapbook and photo book of the many club projects completed during her time as President.

Finally, many thanks were given to new First Vice President Jody Harris and her committee member Kat Nixon, who organized the dinner.