October 15, 2020

Basket Raffle News

Basket Raffle Fundraiser Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 7-9 p.m. Adelphia Restaurant Ladies, It looks like we are well on our wayContinue Reading
This month is “National Breast Cancer Awareness Month” (NBCAM). It was founded in 1985 by the American Cancer Society andContinue Reading
It’s been 100 years since most women were granted the right to vote. Exercise your right to vote on NovemberContinue Reading
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In honor of victims of DV, please wear purple this month and on ourContinue Reading
Fall is officially here and with it is the realization that holidays are quickly coming. For myself, my Christmas List has beenContinue Reading

September 19, 2020

September Book Club

Book Club was Wednesday, September 16th. We read The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewel. The book evoked a lively discussionContinue Reading
Masks are so important during this time. There are 7 mistakes you might be making with your mask (taken fromContinue Reading

September 2, 2020

Cards for Kindness

Ready and waiting to be delivered are ninety elementary “teacher appreciation” cards that were crafted by our members in preparationContinue Reading
September is here! I can’t believe how fast the summer has gone. It has been a different one for meContinue Reading

September 1, 2020

Mum Sale

Summer is slowly fading, temperatures are cooling, and daylight is waning as Autumn is just around the corner once SeptemberContinue Reading