June President’s Message

This is my first official article as incoming President of the Woman’s Club of West Deptford. The new Board and I look forward to serving you and the community in our new positions. The formal installations will be during our last General Meeting for the year on June 11th. A shout-out to Jody and her Social Committee for putting together the venue and menu. The evening is sure to be wonderful.

Board Meetings

In mid-June, the new Board will be gathering informally to help the new members acclimate to how the Board operates. Our first official meeting will be in late August for the September general meeting.  Also in June, the new and outgoing treasurers will meet along with two past treasurers to have an official review of the books. Thank you to Denise Pitchford and Patty Wyzykowski for helping with this.

Filing Cabinet Needed

Now that we have over thirty years of minutes and other materials, it is important to safeguard the club’s history. We are looking for a used/excellent condition 4-drawer filing cabinet with a lock to store the records. The RiverWinds Community Center has offered us a space in the Senior Center. Thank you to Denise Hosier for arranging this. If you have a cabinet or know where we could find one at a low cost, please reach out. Before we can store the records, we need to gather them and review them for duplicates. I will be reaching out to a few veteran members to help with this.

Garden District Councils

As of this writing, there are 16 WCWD members signed up for the District Meeting on June 20th. Our club will be well represented, and what a wonderful way to show support to our new District VP, Mary Schneider, and our own Cheryl Fairchild, District Assistant. I will send an email closer to the date to see who would like to carpool.

As we did last year, we will host the Garden District meeting on September  19. Once the schedule is finalized, I will send out information, so you can plan to attend if you would like.

District Chairs Needed

Finally, the District needs Chairs for the following positions: Communications, Environment, Domestic Violence, Day of Service (January 20th), State Fall Conference. If you are interested in any of these, let me know and I will put you in touch with Mary Schneider.

Have a great summer, everyone!

