Our club was proud to send three girls, two housemothers, and a workshop presenter to GCI, a program sponsored byContinue Reading
Our club distributed donations to a number of local community organizations in June, representing a large portion of the fundsContinue Reading
Our club was proud to be able to assist four West Deptford High School seniors with $1,000 scholarships. The scholarshipsContinue Reading
We did it ladies! Congratulations on completing another successful club year. Thinking back on the type of year we had,Continue Reading
Our club newsletter, Tidbits, won the First Place Award for newsletters at the New Jersey State Federation of Woman’s ClubsContinue Reading
Ladies of the WD Woman’s Club prepared one hundred movable animal “kits” for the children attending the WD LIBRARY BOOKContinue Reading
Hello, ladies, Spring has sprung! We are inspired this time of year for spring cleaning, planting of spring flowers, andContinue Reading

May 1, 2019

Spring Conference

“Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope” was the theme this April of the Garden District Spring Conference and Achievement DayContinue Reading
Our first year of the NJSFWC Special State Project 2018-2020 is coming to an end, and our club has outdoneContinue Reading

April 8, 2019

T-shirts for Dog Toys

Our club collected 86 used t-shirts for Gina C., a West Deptford resident. Gina is a sister of Sigma SigmaContinue Reading