Our Projects

Girls' Career Institute

A NJ State Federation premier project, GCI gives high school junior girls a mini college experience.

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High School Scholarships

One of our club's most important projects is providing as many $1,000 scholarships as we can each year.

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Domestic Violence Awareness

We join the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in the fight against domestic violence.

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Special State Project

NJ Children's Alliance, 2024-2026 Special State Project, promotes hope, healing and justice for victims of child abuse,

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Latest News

Hi, ladies, Thank you everyone for your patience and cooperation at the March meeting when we voted for our newContinue Reading

December 2021 Holiday Party 1
Volunteering at Harbaugh Village 1
Snack Bags for Seeds of Hope
2021 Basket Raffle Fundraiser
August 2018 Book Club "A Memory of Violets"
CASA NJ Speaker and donations
Cards for Kindness

Next Steps...

If you think you might be interested in joining or would like more information, contact our membership chair today by emailing membership@wdwomen.org.