June President’s Message

Dear Members,

Another club year is done. We have had such an incredible 10 months together and I am so proud of all the great things we have accomplished this past year. Now June is upon us and we are looking forward to some lazy, warm days with family, friends and hopefully a shore day or two😊

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.  –Aristotle, Greek Philosopher

This quote is us…The Woman’s Club of West Deptford. The ladies whose names are on our membership list continue to show excellence in all that we do, and this is one of the best habits to have. We have the best!

The Garden District June Council is Thursday, June 15th at the Harry E. Williams, Jr. Senior Center. It begins at 5:00 pm and we already have 5 ladies going. If you would like to attend this meeting, please let me know so I can add you to the list. Registration is $5.00. Also, we have been asked to host the September 21st evening meeting. I have let Hospitality know and Agnes K. is already on it.

GCI is upon us and our delegates are preparing for a great experience. I am looking forward to seeing them in September as they have been invited to share their experiences with us.

Many of you have reached out to me about helping the Stith family who lost everything in a house fire. Some of our ladies have already brought me donations, which has been delivered to the family. We will be voting on giving them a monetary donation at our June Dinner Meeting and I have also included information in our newsletter on how you can help the family if you so choose. Look for my short article on page 2 of this month’s Tidbits.

One of the results from our survey is limiting which committee can collect items each month. I will be sending out an email to committee chairs to have them pick two months that they would like to be able to collect items for their committee projects. This will not include our State Project or donating to Food Pantries. The Board will work on this and come up with a schedule that we hope will make things easier for everyone.

West Deptford Day is September 16 from 1 to 5 pm. We are registered and will have a sign-up sheet for volunteers to man our booth for 1 or 2 hours each. We will need to be there between 11:30/12 to set up for the afternoon. The first shift will do that and the last shift will help with the take down. More information will be coming.

The Civic Outreach Committee has sent out the list of items needed to collect for the Military Stockings. If you are planning on donating items, please let Linda C. or Sharon J. know and they will tell you when they are ready to collect everything. They will set up a date to fill the stockings inAugust. Lo ok f or more info this summer.

When we return from our summer break, we will be jumping in with both feet with our club activities. One of our big projects will be a Basket Raffle which brings in major funds for our donations and supporting our favorite organizations. I know what my basket will be for the raffle…did you let the Basket Raffle committee know what you are donating?

With summer here, it is easy to relax and not worry about things. However, our health is very important. Please keep up with your 130 Challenge and record your successes. We are all working on being healthier this year.

Remember that our meeting this month will be short and reports will only be from the board members. Please read Tidbits to find out what is going on with your favorite committee or activity.

Don’t forget to read my “Shout Out to Members” article. Our ladies are seriously the best!

Finally, if you want to surprise your Secret Pal this summer, feel free to reach out to a Board Member who will be happy to deliver it for you.

Enjoy your summer,


Shout Out to Members

Our club year is coming to a close where we will take the time to recharge and get ready for another amazing club year with some equally amazing club sisters.

If you carry one thing with you today, let it be this: You are brave, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are smart, you are loved. –Author Unknown

As I write this last article for the 2022/23 club year, I want to recognize all of you. Every single lady in the Woman’s Club of West Deptford continues to show how unique and strong we are as a club. We have accomplished so much this past year, and it is because of all of you. I remarked to a member several years ago that the unsung heroes are the ones who work behind the scenes. These ladies do not need recognition, they do not need to be seen…they just love doing for others. Our chairs of each committee or project work with our members and together they achieve the goals we set and make sure everything happens. Every role is important, which is why we are so successful. So…to all of you I say, thank you for making us one of the best clubs in the NJSFWC.

Have a wonderful summer…rest, relax, take time for you and start to get excited for September to come. We have another amazing year in the works for the 2023/24 club year. And…all of you will be the reason we will have the best year yet!
