On March 28 nine members of WCWD arrived to help at Oakview School’s Second Annual Literacy Night. They read theContinue Reading

April 1, 2019

Recognize the Red

The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC) have a longContinue Reading
Dear Members, Happy Spring! All the seasons are amazing and each one brings its own special gifts to each ofContinue Reading
After listening to Natalie Fortunato speak about the work of the South Jersey Dream Center at a meeting, we decidedContinue Reading
Dear Members, March is the month where we start to get back into motion. We are thawing out from theContinue Reading

February 27, 2019

February Book Club

Many of our members love to read, and what better way to learn something new? Our twice-a-year book clubs challengeContinue Reading
Family Promise of Gloucester County continues to help homeless families get into their own homes.  There were two families inContinue Reading
Dear Members, Carol, the board and I hope you weathered the cold temperatures from the end of January. We areContinue Reading

January 31, 2019

Blankets for CASA NJ

When a child is taken from home in the middle of the night and placed in foster care, a fuzzyContinue Reading

January 24, 2019

January Paint Night

The red cardinal has long been held as a spiritual messenger across many cultures between the Spirit and Earth. CardinalContinue Reading