November President’s Message

As we enter November and reflect on all that we have accomplished, I am reminded as to what an amazing group of women we are and what we can do when we all work together for the betterment of others.

“Thank you for Volunteering! The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest of intentions.” —Oscar Wilde

With Thanksgiving only a couple weeks away, thanks seems appropriate as we reflect on our daily lives and enjoy time with family and friends. Together we have been able to do so many things and help so many. So, to each of you who do so much for the club and for the advancement of others I say “Thank You!” It takes a team not an individual to make things happen and that is exactly what we do as a club…working together to produce results for the benefit of others. I cannot say it enough…you all are just amazing!

Words cannot express how excited I am at the results of our Basket Raffle. Our evening was fantastic! In two hours we were able to raise around $11,000.00!!!!!! We also were able to raise over $800.00 for Operation Chillout with our 50/50…incredible!!! A heartfelt Thank You to Nancy D. and Nancy B. for everything they did that night to make our event so successful! Also, these two ladies could not have done this without the support of the Raffle Committee who attended all of the Zoom meetings and to all of you who donated baskets, wrapped baskets, picked up baskets and brought to Adelphia’s, managed tickets, sold tickets, manned tables at the raffle, attended our event and were so supportive. I have heard so many wonderful comments about our evening and several ladies who attended inquired about when we will hold our next one! There is no “I” in team which is why this fundraiser was so awesome! Thank you to all who helped to make this fundraiser the best night ever!

At our November meeting, I will be passing out the report forms to all of the committee chairs so that you can start putting your individual committee reports together. I know how long it takes to put these reports together and I want to give each committee a head start. They have to be sent out by the end of January 2022.

Also, please remember to bring your check for our Holiday Dinner meeting in December at Kitchen 519. There are some fun activities planned for that night and I am looking forward to dinner with all of you. Look for information in this newsletter and at our meeting.

Our November Pie fundraiser is well underway. I already ordered my pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and have whipped cream on my grocery list so that I can garnish it for all of my family. These pies freeze really well and will be a delish addition to your Thanksgiving meal. Thank you to Linda J. who always comes up with amazing ways to build up the Operations Account.

We will be discussing donations to families for Thanksgiving and Christmas at our next meeting. I am so happy to say that we have money to support this worthwhile cause and I know we will be making a few families very happy this holiday season. I also have information on Operation Blessing which I will share at our meeting as well.

I have to mention the fun morning I had with several club members during our Halloween Treats with Holly. Seriously… such a great time making these delicious treats to share with family. There were also a lot of laughs and fellowship as we created some pretty interesting bats, ghosts, Dracula teeth and spiders. I am looking forward to making a Thanksgiving Centerpiece with Peggy. I already bought my container and foam.

Please remember our Day of Service which is November 13th. Lisa H. and Robin E. are collecting $10 gift cards at our next meeting. Look for their information in Tidbits.

Pack up your club bag, get your Secret Pal gift, and soon we will all be together for another fun and informative meeting next week.

May each of you have a safe, happy, healthy and family-filled Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to down time with my family before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season. (I absolutely LOVE this time of year so each holiday is exciting for me.)

