Support for Special State Project

The NJSFWC Special State Project for 2022-2024 is Emmanuel Cancer Foundation.

Six members (Pixie, Jody, Peg S., Jan, Sue N. and Debbie) wrapped gifts at the ECF office in Woodbury Heights. These gifts will be given out to all children attending their Christmas Party at Masso’s on Sunday. Although club members voted to spend $50 on gift wrap and tags, these items were generously donated by members and we did not have to spend this money.

Our adopted family for Christmas consisted of 4 children but due to the cost of things, one child was given to an individual that would provide his gifts. Sue N. and Debbie shopped (almost until they dropped) and were able to fulfil most of the requests for the other three children in the family. $500 from the club along with a very generous donation from a friend, we spent $675. Our shoppers were very good at finding great sales and the items totaled $1300 retail.