September 15, 2021

Operation Yellow Ribbon

Hours: 48, Money Spent: $785.53, Number of items purchased: 1828. The stockings were filled to capacity with the help ofContinue Reading

September 10, 2021

Socially Speaking

Welcome back ladies! We are working very hard and are so excited to plan for social events in person andContinue Reading

September 6, 2021

Mum Sale

The first internal fundraiser for our operating account is the annual chrysanthemum sale. Flowers are priced at $7.00 each. PleaseContinue Reading

September 3, 2021

Fall Book Club

We have selected our book for the Fall, A Pledge of Silence by Flora J. Solomon. We will meet onContinue Reading
Welcome back, ladies! Our 2021/2022 Club Year is about to begin! I hope all of you had a wonderful, relaxingContinue Reading

August 25, 2021

Books for Schools

Our book collection for our three elementary schools has been completed. We collected a total of 688 books for ourContinue Reading
Twenty-four members enjoyed an End-of-Year Luncheon on Wednesday June 30. We went to Kitchen 519 in Glendora. Lunch was delicious! Menu choicesContinue Reading
Special State Project Report Thank you! Thank you! Our club collected 25-$10 Gift Cards for the Operation Chillout homeless veterans.Continue Reading

June 3, 2021

June Book Club

Our last Zoom Book Club Meeting for this club year took place on Wednesday, June 2. We discussed The Winemaker’sContinue Reading
As unbelievable as it is…June has arrived and so has the end of the club year. It has been aContinue Reading