May 25, 2021
Succulent Garden Workshop
The love of art can be expressed in so many ways! Our members used their creative ideas while having funContinue Reading
May 20, 2021
Ronald McDonald House Projects
The month of May has not only brought us springs flowers and sunshine but a load of giving and generosityContinue Reading
May 14, 2021
Rainbow Baby Blankets Brighten the World
The women in our club are always reaching out, doing service and using their talents to truly make a differenceContinue Reading
May 7, 2021
The Benefits of Crafting
Adults need a craft hobby for many reasons. It can be fun and interesting because hobbies act as soothing therapyContinue Reading
May 1, 2021
May President’s Message
Welcome May and the wonders that comes with it. Warmer weather, flowers blooming, pools opening, BBQs getting some Spring CleaningContinue Reading
April 27, 2021
A Fundraising Win-Win!!
The sun is shining, weather is warming, days are longer, and club activitiesĀ are returning for our members. Our April 24thContinue Reading
April 22, 2021
Woman’s Suffrage Program Video
Click below to watch our video. We are delighted to share the final product of our year-long 100th Anniversary Women’sContinue Reading
April 16, 2021
And That’s a Wrap!
Behind the Scenes: Filming of our Women’s Suffrage Program for the students at West Deptford High School has been completedContinue Reading
April 6, 2021
Spring Book Club
For our book club meeting in April we read Such a Fun Age, by Kiley Reid. This book was alsoContinue Reading
April 3, 2021
Socially Speaking
Spice and Tea Exchange of Haddonfield Thank you to everyone who attended the Zoom presentation of the Spice and TeaContinue Reading